Genesee Valley Laser Centre
Genesee Valley Laser Centre
300 White Spruce Boulevard
Rochester NY 14623
PH:(585) 424-6770 or (585) 292-0940, FX:(585) 424-6776
A laser is a tool which emits a specific color and intensity of light. The wavelengths of medical lasers are safe and a harmless form of radiation, like sunlight. When focused, the intensity and color determines specificity for certain medical problems. The laser pulse has been described as a rubber band snap with minimal discomfort. With the energies and specificity of these lasers there is virtually no scarring.
During treatment protective eyewear will be worn by everyone in the room.
The laser pulse produces a slight snap. The treatment session will be broken up in several sections for patient comfort.
Each treatment session may last 5, 15, 30 minutes or longer. All treatments are performed in the office at the Genesee Valley Laser Centre.
Multiple Treatments and Their Results
You will receive treatments approximately every 8-12 weeks for tattoos and every three months for port wine stains. Resurfacing touch ups, if necessary, will be done at 6 months to one year. Multiple treatments are required for all pulsed lasers. Patients participate in the decision whether to continue treatment as the lesion clears. Complete clearing is not always possible in every case. Scarring rarely occurs.
Retreatment for hair removal will depend on hair regrowth.
Lentigo, telangiectasia, and leg veins can be treated at several-week intervals.
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