Grand Spa the Unisex Salon
Grand Spa NY
389 Grand Street
New York, NY 10002
Bringing Your Inner Beauty to the Surface
Grand Spa is New York, New York's premier unisex day spa, providing a clean and relaxing atmosphere for all your beauty and spa service needs. From facials and body treatments to top-of-the-line cosmetics and beauty products, we offer it all at competitive prices you can afford. Feel free to contact our day spa or stop by to find out more.
Laser Hair Removal
We Guarantee The best prices in New York.
Ask how to get another 10% off our already low Prices.
Finally, there is a cool, comfortable hair removal procedure for everyone! Wheather you have fair, well-tanned or dark, sin, our gentle YAG hair removal laser system can eliminate the need for shaving, plucking, or waxing. It's the fastest and efffective treatment you've been waiting for and it's available right here at our Spa.
We will design a treatment plan to fit your individual needs. We also offer sunless tanning, skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and acne scarring reduction.
Come in for a free consultation
Copyright 2005, Grand Spa NY. All Rights Reserved.
