19 West 34th Street (Between 5th & 6th Aves)
Suite 910
New York, NY 10001
Phone: (917) 658-4866
Do you have embarrassing dark facial or body hair? Wish you could get rid of that once and for all? Now you can!
How much time and money are you wasting on shaving, waxing, creams or other methods to eliminate that unwanted hair?
Routine maintenance and products can cost MORE over the course of a lifetime. With at least six laser hair removal treatments you can be maintenance free FOREVER!
Statistics show increasing numbers of men and women are willing to use any means necessary to rid themselves of unwanted facial or body hair. In the past removing unwanted hair was painful, inconvenient, and lasted only temporarily.
Eager to solve this widespread problem and feed the increasing demand, the laser industry has been busy exploring high tech paths to develop a better, more lasting method of hair removal.
In laser hair removal, each pulse of laser light treats several hair follicles at the same time, unlike old fashioned electrolysis where a needle is inserted into each and every follicle.
Laser Hair Removal is the safest, fastest, and most cost-effective treatment that will GET TO THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM!
LaserWorks © 2008
